This new map identifies urban planning projects which aim to integrate sustainable development objectives and to reduce the ecological footprint of the region. These districts were the winners of a competition organised by the Île-de-France Regional Council to attribute a seal of quality to “New Urban Districts”, and by the State for their designation “Eco-district”. They had to comply with strict specifications regarding energy conservation, density and urban requalification.

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Three types of sustainable districts are identified on this map:
- The “New Urban Districts”, stemming from the Regional Council competition, which respect a minimum density of 1500 dwellings in the “heart of the built-up area”. They favour brownfield sites or areas that are hardly urbanized in order to avoid encroaching on agricultural land or nature thus facilitating soft transport options. The chosen projects benefit not only from financial subsidies but also from contractual support, complete with concerted optimization of the project. I8 of these sites are listed in Île-de-France.
- “Eco-districts” and “Eco-towns” are the result of State competitions. An eco-district is officially defined as an “urban planning project aimed at integrating sustainable development objectives and reducing its ecological footprint. In this way, it must insist on taking into account the entire environmental issues at stake and set ambitious levels of strictness.” Launched at the same time, the Eco-town project rewards bigger scale sustainable urban planning strategies. 4 eco-districts and 1 eco-town have been designated in Île-de-France.
- The eco-district projects backed by Île-de-France's Regional Office of infrastructure. 12 in number, they are spread over 6 regional and national areas (OIN (National urban development schemes), new towns,...) considered important for the region's development : Plaine de France and the Roissy area ; Seine Aval and Cergy-Pointoise ; the whole of Marne-la-Vallée up to Meaux ; Orly Rungis and Seine Amont ; the Massy-Palaiseau/Saclay/Versailles/St-Quentin-en-Yvelines area ; the whole of Melun and Sénart.
Click here to go directly to the map in French.
This work was undertaken by the ARD (Paris Region Economic Development Agency) in association with the Île-de-France regional council, in a move to promote and develop the Île-de-France eco-region.

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