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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Innovation. Paris Region supports innovation

Paris Region stakeholders have set up two organisations to help develop innovation in the region:
- The Paris Region Centre for Innovation (Centre Francilien de l'Innovation) was established at the end of 2008 by Paris Region, the French government and the French Agency for Innovation (OSEO Innovation). Its goal is to encourage, promote, develop and support technologically innovative projects from local SMEs, research laboratories and, in some cases, individuals.
- Paris Region Innovation Laboratory (Laboratoire Paris Région Innovation) was founded by the City of Paris and Paris Region as part of a policy to support innovative businesses. The goal of this association is to "help Paris Region businesses and laboratories gain access to public facilities to test their innovations under real-life conditions."
The Laboratory seeks to make the Paris region available for trying out innovative products and to promote the image of Paris as an innovative city. It will be organising events such as the City of Paris Innovation Awards (Grands Prix de l'Innovation).

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